Domain Name Search Tips

09/04/2013 21:41

So you're at a domain registrar like actnow domains or one of the other thousand of companies that is out there and you are all ready to find a domain name.  But are you really ready?  A domain name can decide the future of your website. A well thought out domain name shall probably help you when it comes to your website. But at the same time, a bad domain name will be bad for your business and your reputation alike. Hence when you find a domain name it should never be a rushed or hurried process. You shouldn't zoom through it quickly but rather take your time to ensure you make the best choice.   How can you be sure to find the absolute perfect domain name for you? 

Given below are some of the tips that will help you find a domain name that is perfect for you.  So before you enter the domain name you want into a domain finder tool consider the following.  It's important that you take your time during your domain name search to find a quality domain name that shall suit you well now and into the future.

1) Revenue or Branding?

This is what you need to be very clear on from the very first. You need to have a clear cut idea on how you are going to use your website. Most webmasters seek revenue from their website, and hence they shall be aiming to find a generic domain name. A generic domain name shall be closely associated with the keywords that they look to rank for. Having the domain name with your keywords list on it, shall help with your ranking process. Google gives a slight advantage to domain names containing their keywords. If all things are equal these domain names shall probably rank high in those keywords very quickly. In case your keywords fall under the low competition keywords classification, it may rank pretty quickly without much efforts from your part.

But in case you want to find a domain name for the branding concept, then the above strategy wont work. When you are aiming for branding, you are not aiming for keywords. You need some sweet and catchy domain name to catch the interest of the people. At the same time, you want the domain name to be memorable too. After all, you are expecting a lot more on returning traffic. If you have a brand, then choose the domain name as the brand name too. When people hear about a brand, then expect the firm to have a branded domain name.

2) Keep It Short Or Long?

This may not be a million dollar question, but its a common one that confuses many a webmaster. There is confusion because they have no idea on how long their domain name should be, or how many words their domain name should contain.

In case its a branded domain name, never go beyond three words. The shorter it is, the sweeter it shall be. Keep that in mind. But when we are thinking about keyword domain names, its not easy to resolve the matter. Sometimes, having more words in the domain name shall be helpful. There may be phrases that shall mean only when all the words are present. An acronym may not make sense to your visitors. But in certain cases, having less words in the domain name shall be helpful. None can give you a fix count of optimum words in your domain name. Its recommended that you do not go beyond five or six words. You do not have want to make it too difficult for your users too. So as to whether you need a long or a short domain, you should be the judge of it.

Searching for and finding a domain name that is right takes time but is worth the effort when you find a good domain name that you like.